Monday, February 16, 2009

In her book A Young Woman After God's Own Heart Elizabeth George reminds us of the importance of spending time with God. She writes:
"As women after God's own heart we want to grow in Christ. But, just like any kind of plant, we must take care to nurture a healthy, powerful root system. Our heart's desire is...
to flourish...not to fail
to to die
to to wither
We must willfully and purposefully spend time in God's Word - reading it, cherishing it, and (most of all) following it".
She goes on to say that when we spend time with our Lord we receive. We are nurtured and fed. We receive his strength and He encourages us in His ways. This is what she calls the Great Exchange:

my weariness for His strength,
my weakness for His power,
my darkness for His light,
my problems for His solutions,
my burdens for His freedom,
my frustrations for His peace,
my turmoil for His calm,
my hopes for His promises,
my afflictions for His balm of comfort,
my questions for His answers,
my confusion for His assurance,
my nothingness for His awesomeness,
the temporal for the eternal,
the impossible for the possible!

Dear God,

Thank you for being such an awesome God! Thank you for your greatness, faithfulness and love. Help us each day this week to spend time with You. Help us to develop deeper roots in our faith as we read your Word and spend time in prayer. Please do not allow us to be so busy that we won't have time for you. Help us to honor your Name in our thoughts, words and actions. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

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