Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello everyone!
Our first Sleep Over was such a success! We will forever remember such blessed and fun moments. We praise God for such wonderful times and thank you all for being there. 
                       Lost and Found
We need everyone to help us find a couple of items that are missing, so let's get to work:
Kristin Deever's I-Pod - Kristin could not find her I-Pod this morning. It is purple and has monkeys on it.
Honoka is looking for her prayer journal and a small flowered pocket book with an American Girl hair brush inside. 
We are also very sad about Chelsey's cell phone which we won't be able to retrieve it.
So, next time please remember not to bring items that are so special or expensive to replace.
Reminders: Saturday, January 24Th
Project Runway is this Saturday. You will be working in groups to design, execute and model outfits. Get your creative juices flowing!
Since we need a little more time for this project we will start @ 3:00 and end @ 5:30.
Let us know if you coming by Thursday, January 22nd so we can organize the groups accordingly.
Attention girls in the dance presentation:
A dance rehearsal will follow immediately from 5:30 to 6:00.
Our Valentines meeting was previously scheduled for Saturday, February 14Th. It seems that some of you will be away on vacation. Let me know if February 7Th works better. We will try to change it.
We now have Circle of Friends shirts (child and adult sizes) and tote bags for sale. Check them out this coming Saturday.
If you have not signed a permission to post pictures of your child on our blog please do it
this Saturday. We are trying to get that up and going.
Dear Parents: We've noticed that most of the girls seem to be "out of the loop" about our plans for each meeting. Showing them our e-mails will help them better prepare for each project.  
As always please keep us in prayer. It is our intention to faithfully serve God through this ministry. To Him be the glory! Amem
In Christ,
Marilia, Lynn and Ingrid


Kweesten said...

hello everybody!!!!!!
this is kristen. fi uoy nac daer siht uoy era a suoneg!!!!!

crazygirl10580@gmail.com said...
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crazybella said...

heyyyyyy! watz up! it isabella! cant wait 4 later on! c.o.f!