Thursday, October 9, 2008

 News from the Circle
Hello everyone!
We can't believe that two weeks have gone by since we met. Time sure flyes!
Well, we hope you had a great time putting together your "Magazine". They look great! This coming weekend we have more pages for you to add so, please, make sure to bring it  with you. (if you missed our last meeting don't worry! You will have a chance to work on yours)
We are very excited to tell you that Mrs Jo
Kiel, our missionary from Brazil is coming to talk to us about The Color of Beauty.
Again, there will be music, games,  a yummy snack from Brazil and of course time to get to know more girls in our circle.
Operation Christmas Child - We need two volunteers to be at a table in the foyer for this Saturday night @ Presence, on Sunday two volunteers for the 9:00 AM service and two more for the 11:00 AM service. Please write us an e-mail if you are planning to help this weekend. (We will show you what to do, so don't worry!) If you have a Circle of Friends shirt, make sure to wear it.Thanks!
Eye Glasses: Are you talking to people about it? Remember, we need to collect as many as possible. We don't have a deadline on this project yet, but the earlier we start the better. If you have any with you, please bring them this Saturday.
Book Swap: This will go on until our last meeting in October. If you haven't brought a book yet you have a chance to do it now.
Revolve Tour: Money is due this Saturday. Please bring a check of $ 150.00 made to Ridgeway Alliance Church.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Circle of Friends kicks off for 2008-2009

 Hello everyone! It was great seeing you at our first meeting. We hope you enjoyed it and that you are ready for more fun this coming Saturday. Those of you who were not able to come we hope to see you too. We will begin our meeting at 3:30PM. If you are bringing a new friend please come 15 minutes earlier for registration.
    Just a reminder of some of the activities we will be doing:
    Art - Work on the Circle of Friends "Magazine" Cover Girl.
    Heaven's Kitchen: Fun and yummy ideas for your lunch box.
    Book Swap: We are very excited about this new idea and ask you to keep in mind what kind of books you should bring to swap with other girls: Mystery, Adventure, Auto-Biography and Biography. Absolutely no romance or horror, please!
    Games - Fun ways to get to know each other
    Music - Let's meet Rebbecca St. James
    Prayer and "Hello God" - A look at God's Word.
    As you can see there are a lot of activities planned so you must arrive on time! You don't want to miss anything.    
    We will also give more information about our two projects coming up:
    Christmas Child - Collect toy/gifts to be sent to children around the world through the Samaritan          Purse Organization.
    Eye-Glasses Collections - Remember the people in Gabon, Africa who are in desperate need for reading     glasses. You can already start talking to families, friends and neighboro's about this. We want to collect as many pair of glasses as possible and send them to Pastor John Marc in Gabon.  New or used, any prescription, any color, style, etc.
    We will need volunteers to be at a table in the church foyer on Saturdays and Sundays during both
services. Dates to be announced.